Saturday, March 6, 2010

Every Academy Award Winning Movie Ever

Let me start off by saying that I LOVE movies. I'm one of those die-hard movie fans who will go to the theater by myself, buy the DVD the day it comes out, and watch it repeatedly for about a week. Yeah, I love them that much.

Needless to say, the Academy Awards are pretty much my Super Bowl. That being said, I imagine we could all agree that most Academy Award winning movies carry with them a degree of predictability and--let's face it--often down-right corniness. But how can you love movies and not have a sense of humor about them? So, in the spirit of Oscar himself, I present to you, my movie-loving (and even my movie-hating) peers, the following video for your entertainment pleasure.

My personal nomination for Best Picture, I give you "A Trailer for Every Academy Award Winning Movie Ever."

PS - For some reason, I couldn't get the video to fit correctly on this screen, so if you click here or on the link just below the video, you can see it at on the original website in its full grandeur.