Friday, June 5, 2009

Wedding bells mean wedding dances

I bet few people would argue with me that June is the unofficial wedding month. As a matter of fact, I am currently sitting at my parents' computer back home in the Nebraska panhandle, preparing to attend not one, but TWO weddings tomorrow (June 6th). 365 days in a year, and two of my oldest friends (Kate & Megan) both decided to get married on the exact same day. In two different towns. More than 60 miles apart. However, despite the time and distance discrepancies, I am sooo excited for both of these girls, and their wonderful fiances! So, let me extend an official congratulations to both sets of soon-to-be-married couples: Kate & Mike, Megan & Ryne - CONGRATULATIONS!

I love weddings. I love seeing people so deliriously happy and in love, and I love watching all the dancing. Everyone knows the traditional "first dance" between bride and groom: slow, lovey-dovey music while the newlyweds dance either cheek-to-cheek or gaze lovingly into each other's eyes. It's a very "aww" moment that tugs on your heartstrings and makes you feel all warm and fuzzy. But let's face it; if you've seen one first dance, you've pretty much seen them all. Right?

Haha, guess again...